Using the latest Line 6 Updater (1.09), update Helix/Helix Rack to the newest firmware (2.00). At the end of the update process, Helix/Helix Rack will reboot automatically and begin rebuilding presets. Wait for this process to complete. If you’re using Helix Control with Helix Rack, connect and power on Helix Control. Mac service and repair. Learn about AppleCare+ and the Apple limited warranty coverage, start a service request for your Mac, and find out how to prepare your Mac for service.
To uninstall the Line 6 Drivers from a MAC OSX computer, use the Line 6 Driver Uninstaller that is located on the computer at following file location:
*Applications/Line 6/Drivers/Driver uninstaller
If you have used the Driver Uninstaller and still cannot succesfully install drivers or Monkey is not recognizing them as being installed, you will need to remove the remaining driver receipts using the Terminal application that is located on the computer at the following file location:
Launch the Terminal application and type the following commands at the prompt:
*sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtaudio.package (then press the enter key)
*Enter your Mac OSX account password. Please Note: you will NOT see the cursor acknowledge any characters being input; you will need to type your system password correctly and hit 'Enter'.
*sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtmidi.package (then press the enter key)
After entering in all of the commands above, close the Terminal application and restart your computer. Upon restarting the computer try again to install the latest version of our drivers available from our software page at:
After the computer has restarted, reconnect the Line 6 hardware and open the Line 6 Monkey application again to check and see if your drivers are detected and up to date.
Deinstallation von Line 6 Treibern auf einem Mac OS X:
Um Line 6 Treiber von einem Mac OS X Computer zu entfernen müssen Sie die Line 6 Driver Uninstaller Software benutzen, welche an dieser Stelle zu finden ist:
*Programme/Line 6/Drivers/Driver Uninstaller
Wenn Sie den Driver Uninstaller bereits benutzt haben und können immernoch keine Treiber erfolgreich installieren oder Monkey erkennt diese nicht als installiert, dann müssen Sie die übrigen Treiberreste anhand des Terminals von Ihrem Computer entfernen. Das Terminal können Sie hier finden:
Starten Sie das Terminal Programm und geben Sie Folgendes ein:
*Sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtaudio.package (drücken Sie dann auf Enter)
*Geben Sie nun Ihr Mac Passwort ein. Achtung, der Kursor wird Ihnen nicht anzeigen, dass Sie eine Eingabe tätigen; geben Sie Ihr Passwort korrekt ein und drücken Sie Enter)
*Sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtmidi.package (drücken Sie dann auf Enter)
Nachdem Sie diese Befehle eingegeben haben müssen Sie das Terminal schließen und Ihren Computer neustarten. Nachdem Sie ihn neugestartet haben können Sie noch einmal versuchen die neuste Version der Treiber zu installieren. Laden Sie diese hier herunter:
Nachdem Sie Ihren Computer neugestartet haben können Sie Ihr Gerät wieder mit dem Computer verbinden, Line 6 Monkey öffnen und überprüfen ob Ihre Treiber auf dem neusten Stand sind.
Désinstallation des pilotes Line 6 sur Mac OS X:
Pour désinstaller des pilotes Line 6 de votre ordinateur Mac OS X, vous devez utiliser le logiciel Line 6 Driver Uninstaller qui est situé à cet emplacement:
*Applications/Line 6/Drivers/Driver uninstaller
Si vous avez utilisé le Driver Uninstaller mais vous ne pouvez toujours pas installer des pilotes avec Monkey ou il ne les reconnaît pas comme installés, vous avez besoin de supprimer les pilotes en utilisant le Terminal, qui est situé à :
Démarrez l'application 'Terminal' et entrez ceci:
*Sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtaudio.package (poussez 'Entrée')
*Entrez votre mot de passé Mac. Veuillez noter s'il vous plaît: le curseur ne vous montre pas que vous entrez des caractères. Entrez le mot de passe correctement et poussez 'Entrée'.
*Sudo pkgutil --forget com.line6.driver.xtmidi.package (poussez 'Entrée')
Après vous avez entré ces commandes, fermez le Terminal et redémarrez l'ordinateur. Après vous avez redémarré, essayez d'installer les versions les plus récentes des pilotes disponibles de notre site web:
Après l'ordinateur a redémarré, reconnectez l'appareil Line 6 et ouvrez Line 6 Monkey pour vérifier si vos pilotes sont détectés et à jour.
I have looked for a while now. I have found a download page here:
The latest date on anything I can find here is from 2015.
Another page directs me to use the boot camp assistant, but it requires that I have a thumb drive (ready to be reformatted), and I must reboot into MacOS I'm not going to do that. In anticipation to some responses, we can argue about it if you want but it'll be a waste of energy.
Many other situations would involve going to a web page and downloading an installer so I'm asking here for what I'm missing.
Thank you for responses that stick to the point and answer the question.
I felt like showing a bit more of the process:
1) 'install Windows on a Mac with Boot Camp Assistant'
Ok this looks useful but the process is written for a fresh format and install of Windows.
Here's a link for:
2) 'If the Boot Camp Installer Doesn't Open...'
Ok that's cool now I know I'm looking for some 'Boot Camp Installer' that needs to run on my Windows sideLine 6 Driver For Mac Download
3) But of course there's no link to a 'Boot Camp Installer' I needed to use the Assistant from the MacOS side and the thumb drive.
4) Wait wait, here's a section called 'If you can't download or save the Windows support software:'
Oh, but this section just troubleshoots problems you have with formatting your USB drive and with USB drive recommendations.
I don't know why it's like this. Any other system would just have an installer and even an update agent for download. Is apple protecting IP and software licenses. Possible. Are they keeping users from downloading the wrong versions of stuff? Possible but there are other ways to do that.
They made a choice to handhold users through disk formatting instead of just having a download.Line 6 Driver For Mac Os
MacBook Pro 13', macOS 10.14 Line 6 Ux2 Driver Mac Catalina
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